
November 7, 2020

Taking back our democracy!

With the declaration today of a Biden-Harris victory, we can finally celebrate strong leadership at the presidential and vice presidential level, one that is committed to decency, integrity, truth, data-driven decision making, compassion and empathy, upholding our democratic principles, and trying to heal the deep divisions within our society. Today we can also rejoice that American voters chose the first woman, the first woman of color, and the first woman of Caribbean and South Asian heritage as our vice president-elect!

We still face overwhelming challenges ahead, especially the soaring number of cases and deaths due to COVID-19, a greatly weakened economy, and tens of millions of people suffering as a result. Under a Biden-Harris administration, we can be confident that there will be highly qualified leaders in the White House and the federal government and immediate implementation of a comprehensive national response to deal with COVID-19 and make new vaccines widely available. A top priority will be to ensure affordable health care for all Americans. We can also be assured that there will be a dedicated and sustained effort to deal with systemic racial, social, and economic injustices, immigration and criminal justice reform, and protecting reproductive freedom. Moreover, our new leaders will rejoin the international community, support our allies, and deal effectively with our adversaries. They will also partner with other countries around the world to address the serious threats to the environment and human health.

Let’s hope that we can all survive the remaining days of the Trump administration and his cronies in Congress without too much more damage to our country and the world! On January 20, 2021, we must accelerate our fight for the fundamental rights of all people and hold our leaders in the White House and Congress accountable for advancing towards a more just and equitable future, which includes sexual and reproductive health and rights for everyone, at home and abroad.